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Our Services

Image by Nathan Anderson

The Best Care

All of our services are in line with Medicaid compliance, Clinical Coverage Policies, CARF accreditation standards, and our own mission and values. When you receive habilitative services from Triad Coordinated Services, Inc. you can rest knowing that they are of the highest caliber and integrity. In a 2018 satisfaction survey,



of families were satisfied with our services and would recommend TCS to their friends and families. 


Our Services...


CLS is designed to help persons to optimize their personal, social, and vocational competency in order to live successfully in the community. Activities are determined by the needs of the persons served. The persons served are active partners in all aspects of the program. Therefore, the settings can be informal in order to reduce barriers between staff members and program participants.

COmmunity Networking

Community Networking services provide individualized day activities that support the participant’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with
persons who are not disabled. This service is provided separate and apart from the participant’s private residence, other residential living arrangement, and/or the home of a service provider. Services are designed to promote maximum participation
in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings.


Respite services facilitate access to time-limited, temporary relief from the ongoing responsibility of service delivery for the persons served, families, and/or organizations. Respite services may be provided in the home, in the community or at other sites, as appropriate. Respite services are specific to each family and are determined by the preferences and needs of each family and the individual being served.

Natural Supports

Natural Supports Education (NSE) services are provided to persons served and/or their families either to enable the person and the family to stay together or to
enable the person served to remain involved with his or her family. Families, including the persons served, are the decision makers in identifying the services
needed and in choosing how those services will be delivered.


Specialized Consultative Services

Specialized Consultation Services provide expertise, training and technical assistance in a specialty area (psychology, behavior intervention, speech therapy, therapeutic recreation, augmentative communication, assistive technology equipment, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nutrition, and other licensed professionals who possess experience with individuals with Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities) to assist family members, support staff and other natural supports in assisting individuals
with developmental disabilities.

Personal Assistance

Personal Assistance is a support service which provides aid to a client so that the client can engage in activities and interactions from which the client would otherwise be limited or excluded because of his disability or disabilities. The
assistance includes: (1) assistance in personal or regular living activities in the client's home, (2) support in skill development, or (3) support and accompaniment of the client in regular community activities or in specialized treatment, habilitation or rehabilitation service programs.

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